Friday, 18 December 2015

Finished wrapping!

Good Evening~

AH this morning I had a massage~ such utter bliss
I felt so much looser afterwards I really did.
Karen gave me a xmas pressie, thats my second one :3
I came home and showered then relaxed a lil then helped mum
make some home made soup which was amazing!

I went to bed soon after as I just could function, these last days
my body has been exhausted physically and mentally and its very annoying.
when i got up i looked on the exam board websites for replacement certificates
you dont wanna know how much it costs for certificates....
so I had to fill in a couple of forms which took a while.
Then after I did that I went to make the head teacher a christmas card
mum cleans her house so she is gonna give the card to her on monday
I wanted to express my gratitude for my placement at the school next year
so here's the card

Then it was dinner time, after dinner I got tiffin in and finished the rest of
my present wrapping. it took a while but its done now.
I have got Mia's birthday present to wrap but I can do that later

I have got a haircut tomorrow at 4pm
just a tidy for xmas :)
I've put my Adoptables up for sale now~