Sunday, 14 March 2021

Mother's day and how to pee off your in-laws


I slept pretty well last night and woke up just before  my alarm we got up and got ready for the weekly big shop. I decided to let jack fully drive today. So he drove to the shops and parked up, I also made him put fuel in the car, drive to the hardware shop and park up and drive home he did very well.

We went to B&Q where we spent £150 on house stuff, we brought fence paint! We have gone for red!!! none of the usual wood colours XD I got wallpaper for my craft room and wall filler and then i went to look at colours. There was a random shelf of reduced paint and I saw colour I really like called Miami sky its basically really light blue like pale blue white. Not a colour I thought I would go for to be honest! I had pink or purple in mind, but very light ether way as I want it to be a light room. It was reduced by a lot at well from £18 to £7 so yeah we picked the last 2 tins up

we came back and unpacked the shopping and then I was gonna work out but it was just too late so we sat down and had a brew with Oz and then I did my soup for the week - gone with such an amazing fish soup recipe I made up that it looks more like a freakin stew than soup! should keep me quiet anyway as I am always hungry on this diet!

We had lunch then Jack got to work on the list of chores I set him for the day as he chose to do them today instead of yesterday whereas I did most of mine yesterday. I had a bit of rest as I wasnt feeling today just mentally and physically exhasuted. But I got up and cleaned the bathroom after jack had a shower.

Then cus he thought "i have finished my chores, game now!" he went and gamed. It was 3pm and I told him I would like to go over to mum's between 4-5pm as I had things to actually do over there.

It got to 4pm and he said "Oh no i havent rang my mum!" so that was it then he was on the phone for 45mins!! cus he had chosen to game instead of ringing his mum to say Happy Mother's day!!!! so that made me late to see my mum cus he thought of games first once again instead of life. Whats worse is he was planning out a game that isnt starting til next friday!!!!

So I was a bit peeved with him as I didnt get to do stuff with my mum I wanted to do. 

Mum had asked me why I was late and I said "cus someone forgot to ring their mum and played games instead.

Mum loved her gifts, she opened them whilst we had a cup of tea and sat with oz as I took him over.

We had dinner, me jack sat in the living room watching cats does countdown and mum and dad sat in the kitchen. We were suppose to having pudding but it was getting close to 7pm - when jack's gaming starts and time I said we would be home by. I said to him "do whatever you need to do whatever you want to do, whats more important to you. Its your weekend"

and with that, he went home. Yup one way to not look good in front of your in-laws, to leave before pudding to go play games...

mum kinda didnt expect anything else really and dad said it was rude. I had to then justify it, saying "i had told him to game originally as we were gonna be home for 7pm but because he was late ringing his mum it made us late"

I sat and painted mum's nails for her she likes the design ^^ I was suppose to do some sewing and dye her  eye brows but time didnt allow.

So I left Oz there and came home as I have stuff to do! so i came home at 7:30pm having eating the fruit salad with my parents we had for pudding.

Came home and started cooking my turkey for breakfast for the week, something I usually do when cooking dinner but obviously didnt cook tonight and forgot about my breakfast! glad I remembered tho otherwise that would have been bad! I packed my lunch for the morning and doing my diary whilst its all cooking, then I have my exercises to do then a bath >< ahhhh so much to do! and I said I would paint my nails but dont have a design in mind!


is school, I feel like I will be busy and have chemistry to take part in >< but i am sure I will get the day done somehow.

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